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Statement of Faith


  • Scripture

We believe that the Holy Bible was written by men divinely inspired, and that it is the only sufficient and perfect rule of faith and practice, and that it teaches the following doctrines (2 Timothy 3:16-17; 2 Peter 1:20-21):

  • God

There is one God; self existent, infinite in every natural and moral excellence.  He has revealed himself as existing in three persons— Father and the Son (or the Word) and the Holy Spirit.  These three are one in respect to divine essence, through differing in the relations which they bear to one another and to created beings (Genesis 1:1, Matthew 3:16-17, John 10:30, 2 Corinthians 13:14, 1 John 5:7).


We believe that Jesus Christ was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary, that He died on the cross for the sins of all mankind; and that He bodily rose from the dead and assented into heaven, where he intercedes as our High Priest and Advocate (Luke 1:35, Hebrews 4:14-16, 1 John 2:1-2).


  • Man

Man was created holy, but by willful disobedience to God, he fell from the estate of holiness and became guilty and depraved.  In consequence of this fall the whole human race is depraved.  Moreover, all responsible beings have actually sinned, and are justly exposed to condemnation in the sight of God. The sinful character of men consists in this, that they are destitute of love to God, and self-willed, instead of obedient to him (Genesis 1:17, Romans 3:10-23, 5:12).


  • Salvation

The only way of deliverance from this state of sin and condemnation is through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, who is the Eternal Word in personal union with human nature.  He freely offered Himself as a substitute, to suffer and die in behalf of all men. In this offering of himself to God, He became a perfect Savior by whom all who will may be saved. All men are invited to accept Him as Savior of their souls, and to all who do so accept Him; He is the actual ground of justification and eternal life (1 Corinthians 15:3, Romans 3:24-25, Hebrews 9:25-26, John 1:12, 5:24, Acts 4:12)


Nothing can separate true believers from the love of God, but they will be “kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation.” The sure and final proof that they are true believers consists in the continuance of their attachment and obedience to Christ until the end of life (Romans 8:35-39, 1 Peter 1:5, Hebrews 3:6).


We believe that men are saved by faith alone in the cross work of Christ and His shed blood, and that only by regeneration of the Holy Spirit can salvation and eternal life be obtained (Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 3:24-25, 5:1, Acts 13:38-39).


  • Church

A church is a body of baptized believers, worshipping together organized for the preaching of the gospel, the observance of the ordinances and the promotion of Christ's Kingdom. Each church is independent and self-governed though in fellowship with other churches of like faith and practice (1 Corinthians 12:13, Ephesians 1:22-23, 2:19-22, Acts 2:41-42).


The ordinances of the gospel are baptism and the Lord's Supper.  Baptism is the first formal act of the Christian life.  It is immersion in water in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and is administered only to professed believers in Christ.  The Lord's Supper is observed in commemoration of death of the Christ (Matthew 28:19-20, Acts 8:26-38, 1 Corinthians 11:23-32).

The first day of the week is to be observed as the Lord's Day in commemoration of the resurrection of Christ from the dead.


We believe that the local Church is the local expression of the Body of Christ, which is a spiritual organism made up of born-again believers, redeemed through the blood of Christ, assembled together for the purpose of bearing witness and testimony to the whole world of the salvation offered through Christ and then, to teach the whole council of God, so that, the saints may be established to do the work of the ministry (1 Corinthians 12:12-13, Ephesians 1:22-23, Acts 14:21-23).


We believe in the physical resurrection of all men; the saints to everlasting joy and bliss, and the wicked to conscious and eternal torment (John 5:28-29).


Faith Baptist Church is an Independent, Bible believing, Church. Our purpose is to worship and glorify God by winning people to a personal allegiance to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, to train them in Christian living and to develop Christian character, to encourage fellowship and edification of the saints, to administer the ordinances, discipline, and doctrines of the Word of God, and to help spread the gospel of Christ throughout the world.







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