Welcome, and thank you for visiting Faith Baptist Church online. We are glad you are here and are excited to share with you the wonderful ways God is working in our church family. If you are looking for a church home where you are welcomed to come just as you are, where the word of God is preached, verse by verse, where you can grow in your relationship with the Lord Jesus and and have sweet fellowship with other believers, where you can learn truth about God and why He created you, then we would encourage you to come visit us. We would count it an honor to meet you and it would be our desire and privilege to be a blessing to you and to help you in any way that we can. If you are visiting in the area, we also encourage you to stop by. We love to see and meet new friends. We are a small church with a big heart, and it is our greatest desire to bring glory to our Savior by seeing others come to a saving knowledge of Him and to see them walk in a way that brings honor to His name.
Sunday School at 9:45 AM
If you arrive for our Sunday School class, you will be greeted at the door and will be directed towards our designated rooms. Your children may attend a friendly class geared towards their age level, or you may keep them with you. The choice is completely up to you!! We believe it is the parent's responsibility to raise their children for the Lord, we are just here to assist you in this process in any way that we can.
Coffee, tea and donuts are also provided, so come early and enjoy getting to know some of the other men and women here at Faith Baptist Church.
Teen and Adult Class
Our teens and adults meet together in the main part of the auditorium. This is an informal time where questions are asked by the teacher and can be asked by the people. We are currently studying through the book of Revelation and gleaning precious nuggets of truth through its pages. Our teacher, Pastor Conley, breaks down each verse and makes sure we understand the context, time period, audience, and applicable information.
Children's Classes
Our children's classes are friendly, relaxed, and geared with the little ones in mind. We are currently using Answers Bible Curriculum, published by Answers in Genesis, where God's plan for redemption is woven throughout the Scriptures. This curriculum "provides answers to the issues that confront today’s culture through the media, school, friends, etc. ABC provides a thorough understanding of the authority and primary teachings of Scripture. All ages will be equipped to defend the Bible, and become conformed to the image of Christ, as they apply God’s Word in their everyday lives" (
Sunday Morning Worship at 10:45 AM
Our Sunday Morning Worship is the heart of our time together. We hold a traditional service where we enjoy "making melody with our hearts to the Lord", through singing hymns and special music. We enjoy worshipping with other believers, encouraging and exhorting one another, but most importantly we enjoy our time centered around the precious Words of our God. Currently, Pastor is preaching in the book of Hebrews. We prefer the use of the King James Bible for the English translation of the Holy Scriptures.
Children's Church (ages 4-8) at 11:15 AM
We offer children's church for ages 4-8, when needed. It is a structured time and set up much like our morning worship service, yet with little one's in mind. It provides an opportunity for parents to focus on the message without Any concerns for their children. It also gives the younger ones a chance to receive a message specifically geared towards their little hearts. Our number one desire is to see each child come to know their Savior and to see them develop into boys and girls that Love God.
Nursery (ages 0-3)
A clean, friendly, and safe nursery is provided for your babies and/or toddlers. Each nursery worker counts it a privilege that they have been entrusted with one of God's heritage. The nursery is conveniently located just to the right of the auditorium, and is easily accessible. Their is a separate nursing room in the nursery for mothers, so they can have privacy in feeding their baby.
No Evening Service at this time
Sunday School-----------9:45 AM
All Ages
Morning Services------10:45 AM
Junior Church-----------11:15 AM
(Ages 4-8) As needed